Saturday, March 10, 2012

Preparing for Spring!

The other day at Target, while walking through the gardening section, I had an idea: I was going to start my own vegetable/herb garden this year. In previous years, I've bought herb plants from our local garden center and vegetable plants from our local Farmer's Market. I like supporting small businesses, especially farms. However, this year I was determined to try my hand at it before running off to the store.

I picked out a few herbs, vegetables, and even a lavender seed packet. Grabbed the Eco-Friendly Greenhouse Starter Kit from Burpee and was feeling pretty good about myself.

This weekend I decided to tackle the first step, planting the seeds.

The Burpee kit was pretty easy to understand. First step, make sure all the soil pellets are sitting flat side down and pour 4 3/4 cups of warm water over the tray. Once the soil has expanded, decide where you're going to plant which seeds. I bought 8 seed packets and planted 3 of each plant in the tray.

I went a little overboard and threw a ton of seeds in each of the spots. Mainly I wanted to make sure something took and I'd rather have to replant later than not have anything grow! My last step was covering the seeds with soil and pouring a little more water on top of the seeds.

When I finished, I put the greenhouse cover over the tray and placed the tray in a warm spot on the floor, where it'll stay until the seedlings sprout!

I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to transplant them into when they get large enough. I'm hoping that I'll get one or two plants at least, but maybe I'm just a dreamer.


  1. We tried a vegetable garden several years ago, but the only thing we had any success with was Jalapeno peppers. Evidently, they can survive most anything. :)

    1. Interesting! I love jalapeno peppers, maybe I should have bought some of those! Currently (3 days after planting) I have lettuce and summer squash growing! YAY!


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